The mission of the Vermont Historical Records Program (VHRP) is to improve public access to and engagement with historical records and to encourage and facilitate collaborative efforts among Vermont's historical records repositories.
An increasing area of interest for our partners is digitization. We have the ability to provide equipment for small scale projects, but for large projects or specialty projects such as bound volumes or large format materials, contracting with a vendor may be the most efficient way to handle the project. While we do not endorse any specific vendors, we would like to be able to provide our partners with a list to help them get started.
In an effort to create such a list, we are seeking information about your experiences with outsourced digitization projects. Do you have recommendations for a company that you worked with that you would consider for your next project? What types of materials did you have digitized? What were the determining factors for deciding on your vendor of choice?
Please feel free to send us information via email at Thank you in advance for any information you are willing to provide!
Megan Johnson-Saylor
Roving Archivist, Vermont Historical Records Program
Vermont State Archives and Records Administration