On May 16, 2024 the SAA Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section (DSGS) met to discuss the future of DSGS. In attendance were several members, past co-chairs, current co-chair, and SAA Council Liaison. As you may know, following the 2023 SAA Section Health Assessment, SAA Council determined that a handful of sections are merging, transitioning into discussion groups, or sunsetting. While DSGS was not identified as one of these sections during the 2023 assessment, we still require a full leadership roster to be a section in good standing. After some thoughtful discussion about the purpose of DSGS, its significance, our current capacity, and unknown future leadership, we agreed that our acceptable options are:
While we agreed that transitioning to a discussion group would not be "bad" for the group, we do hope that DSGS can continue as a section, if possible. In order to ensure DSGS' compliance with the SAA Governance Manual, we would need to elect a full leadership roster. Per the SAA Governance Manual, Section IX.E.2.a.: "Every section will have a chair and a vice-chair/chair-elect (or senior and junior co-chairs) and a minimum of two steering committee members chosen by election."
Sections must submit ballot information by June 1, 2024, so please self-nominate to be a co-chair or steering committee member by emailing me at nikki.thomas@charlotte.edu by May 31, 2024. We hope that at least four SAA members will nominate themselves to fill these positions.
For more information on SAA discussion groups, see the Guidelines for SAA Sections on Merging, Transitioning to a Discussion Group, and Sunsetting. Following is an excerpt from the guidelines describing SAA discussion groups.
A discussion group is an informal community of practice without the formality of elected leadership. Discussion groups have listservs on SAA Connect but are not bound by the SAA Governance Manual for holding section elections, having a steering committee, or holding annual business meetings and other programming. Discussion groups are encouraged to self-organize programming if they wish, and they will remain eligible for using the SAA Zoom and Webex electronic meeting platforms.
More detailed information regarding the 2023 SAA Section Health Assessment and the implications for DSGS can be found in an email from April 23, 2024 - SAA DSGS Section Health update.
Feel free to be in touch if you have questions or concerns.
Best regards,