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Call for Metadata Experts for a Spring 2024 Rapid Pilot Project

  • 1.  Call for Metadata Experts for a Spring 2024 Rapid Pilot Project

    Posted Feb 29, 2024 04:36 PM

    The Metadata Working Group of the Oral History Association's Archive Caucus is doing a rapid pilot project to create a crosswalk for the OHA Metadata Elements List. If you have expertise in creating MARC, Dublin Core, or PB Core records for oral history collections and would like to apply to work on this project, please submit your interest to OHA has sponsored $500 honoraria for 3 experts (1 expert per schema) willing to dedicate 8-10 hours of their time to create these mappings and convene to discuss the project. All work will take place in the eight weeks between March 12th and May 3rd. Experts will be chosen by Tuesday, March 11th.

    Lauren Kata, on behalf of the OHA Metadata Working Group