SAA Membership Committee (2022 Meeting)


When:  Jul 15, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM (CT)

Join members of the Membership Committee for a focus group like meeting! The committee and its subcommittees have created and started various programs and projects over the last year and we want your feedback. Have you had a career counseling session with a career counselor via the Career Services Commons? Been a mentee, mentor, or member of a mentoring cohort? New member who heard from SAA, seen an orientation webinar, or had a navigator during the conference?

Even if you haven't participated in our programs, come hear about what we do in our committee and subcommittees (Key Contacts, Career Development, Mentoring Program, and Navigators) and share your feedback and suggestions for what we can do to help make your membership experience the best!

Membership Committee

Live (TBD if Recorded)

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This free event is open to all. Registration required for Zoom security. 
