Please join TS-EAS and the EAS Section for a joint meeting on June 20th. This year, our annual meeting will include updates from TS-EAS and EAS Section leaders, SAA Council, and the Building a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN) project. We will also host a moderated panel and discussion on archival agent records, which are increasingly becoming access points for archival discovery. We will prepare questions for our panelists around topics such as linking to and leveraging data in platforms such as Wikidata and name authority files such as VIAF, highlighting communities and individuals historically under or misrepresented in archival description, and the representation of personal identities such as gender. We invite all attendees to participate in this discussion, and welcome audience questions. We will conclude with presentations on EAF (Encoded Archival Functions) and on the EAD major revision process underway.
The agenda for the EAS Section / TS-EAS meeting is as follows:
· Updates and announcements from:
o SAA Council (Stephen R. Curley and Lydia Tang)
o EAS Section (Irene Gates)
o TS-EAS (Karin Bredenberg and Mark Custer)
o Building a National Finding Aid Network (Adrian Turner and Chela Scott Weber)
· Moderated discussion on agent records:
o Marie Elia, University at Buffalo
o Rachel Menyuk, National Museum of the American Indian
o Hayley Moreno, OCLC
o Jerry Simmons, National Archives and Records Administration
· Presentations on:
o EAF (Encoded Archival Functions), Karin Bredenberg, Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera
o EAD revision, Kerstin Arnold, Archives Portal Europe Foundation
We are very much looking forward not only to sharing our updates with the community but also having a lively and engaged conversation around agent records. We hope that you will join us.
YES - Our group will record our meeting for on-demand access afterward.
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This free event is open to all. Registration required for virtual security.