Preservation Section 2024 Annual Meeting


When:  Jul 16, 2024 from 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM (CT)


  1. Welcome from the Chair
  2. Announcements: new/departing officers 
  3. SAA Council Representative
  4. Education: coffee chats
  5. NDRFA update
  6. Presentation and discussion: “Advancing Preservation: Learning from Projects Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities”  Featured speaker: Sean Ferguson, Senior Program Officer Division of Preservation & Access National Endowment for the Humanities Sean Ferguson will discuss current preservation initiatives at NEH, and he will introduce a selected group of speakers who will give brief talks on recent NEH-funded projects they have led in large as well as in smaller repositories. The presentation will be an opportunity for section members to learn more about the granting process and how funded projects lead to visible outcomes for cultural heritage preservation. 

    YES - Our group will record our meeting for on-demand access afterward.

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    This free event is open to all. Registration required for virtual security.