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Register Now: Preservation Week webinars from the Library of Congress

  • 1.  Register Now: Preservation Week webinars from the Library of Congress

    Posted 12 days ago

    The Library of Congress, Preservation Directorate is hosting four webinars this year for Preservation Week starting April 29. Monday through Thursday we will be presenting webinars every day at 11 am (EDT). Registration links can be found below. For those of you in the DC area, we will be offering some games and displays for a preservation-themed night at LIVE! At the Library on April 25, 5-8 pm. If you would like to attend, please register for a timed entry ticket.

    Revealing our Founding Fathers

    Speaker: Dr. Fenella G France, Chief, Preservation Research and Testing Division

    Monday, April 29, 11 am EDT

    Multispectral imaging often reveals interesting information beyond what we can see on a manuscript page. This can range from simple scribbles and annotations that have been crossed out to dramatic changes to the meaning of the text. Our founding fathers did not always consider preservation issues when they drafted documents, and each had unique ways of editing and capturing information, but with spectral imaging, we can make information visible that was lost over time.

    (re)Building Rudolph: Conservation of a Large Architectural Model

    Speakers: Liz Peirce, Objects Conservator, and Collections Conservation Technicians Anna Zastrow, Chloe Genter, and Mary Elizabeth Watson.

    Tuesday, April 30, 11 am EDT

    Architectural models are often intended to last for a short period of time, are constructed of many different materials, and are difficult to store and handle; this makes preserving them a real challenge. Within the Rudolph Archive of the Prints & Photographs Division, there are two large architectural models, scheduled to go on loan to the Metropolitan Museum of Art this fall. Conservation staff discuss the challenges of treatments to one of these models which required extensive treatments to bring it up to a stable and displayable condition.

    Understanding Risks to Collections Through Physical and Chemical Analyses

    Speaker: Eric Monroe, Head, Scientific Laboratory Section

    Wednesday, May 1, 11 am EDT

    The Library of Congress regularly examines, and tests materials used in rehousing and construction of exhibition cases and collections storage areas, such as vaults, stacks, and off-site storage. The goal of this work is to assess and minimize risks that such materials would pose to Library collections during storage and exhibition. This presentation will discuss methods, requirements, and challenges of the storage of archival and cultural heritage materials, as well as examine links between the risks that materials have presented and the components we have identified as plausible culprits.

    Journey to the Center of the Conservation Lab

    Speakers: Eclair Morton, Buffalo State Graduate Fellow, and Nina Mourat, Book Conservator

    Thursday, May 2, 11 am EDT

    Conservation labs can be rather mysterious places, usually hidden away deep within the libraries and museums they serve. What goes on behind closed doors? What exactly is conservation, and what is the job of a conservator? Join conservators Eclair Morton as she traces the path of an artifact through the conservation lab and Nina Mourat as she describes the challenges of treating a book from a collection on permanent display.

    All webinars will be recorded and posted on our website, this process usually takes 1-3 weeks. You can find all our past recordings here.

    Please request ADA accommodations at least five business days in advance by contacting (202) 707-6362 or

    Amelia Parks
    Preservation Education Librarian
    Library of Congress
    Washington DC